Megha Engineering &Infrastructures Ltd - India - Warehouse Assistant

Megha Engineering &Infrastructures Ltd - India - Warehouse Assistant

By dsf → Sunday, 24 April 2011

Name Of Company:Megha Engineering &Infrastructures Ltd
Experience:0 Year
Job Title:Warehouse Assistant
Location:Any where in India
Education:UG – B.Com – Commerce, B.Sc – Any Specialization
Job Description:
Able to Manage Stores &Admin  activities, Handling issues, Receipts, Maintaining store Records
Willing to work any where in India
Desired Profile:
Good Communication Skills
Quick Learner
High levels of confidence & initiative
Decent academic record
Company Profile:
MEIL with a self induced drive to excel is focusing on making India Infrastructure-powered. Since its inception, the company has its prowess to create products with superb build quality, highest level of refinement and efficiency. The team is taking the baton forward to newer destinations by quickly emerging as a name to look out for in the engineering and infrastructure space, respected greatly on virtue of its engineering excellence. With cutting-edge design, manufacturing and execution as our forte, we stand at the forefront of technological innovation in India’s infrastructure development. To add a feather to its flock MEIL has secured 49th position in an recent survey by Outlook Business magazine.
Contact Details:
Executive Name:HR Team
Megha Engineering Enterprises,
S-2, Technocrats Industrial Estate Balanagar,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh,India 500037
Email Address:careers@meil.in
Jillur Rahman

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