Cognizant Technology Solutions - India - Freshers

Name Of Company:Cognizant Technology Solutions
Experience:0 Year
Job Title:Freshers
Education:UG – Graduate – B.E, B Tech  – Computer Science, IT, Software Engineering, B Sc – Computer Science, Computer Technology, IT, Maths, Statistics, Electronics, BCA, Hotel Management, PG – M Sc – Maths, Statistics, Electronics, M.E, M Tech – Computer Science, IT, Software Engineering, MCA- Computers, MBA
Job Description:
Cognizant’s Combined Campus Freshers Recruitment Drive.
Currently we have openings for IT, ITIS (2009 & 2010 batch) and BPO (2009 & 2010 batch).
2011 batch students can also register now for off-campus drives to be scheduled after September 2011
Desired Profile:
Eligibility Criteria for IT:
Open only to the students with following degrees -
BE / B Tech / ME / M Tech / MCA / M Sc (Computer Science / IT / Software Engg)
B Sc / BCA / M Sc (except Computer Science / IT / Software Engg)
Consistent First Class (over 60%) in X, XII, UG and PG (if applicable)
No outstanding arrears
Candidates with degrees through correspondence/ part-time courses are not eligible to apply
Good interpersonal, analytical and communication skills
Eligibility Criteria for IT IS:
Open only to the students with following degrees -
BSC – Computer Science/Computer Technology/ IT /Maths/Statistics/Electronics and BCA
MSC – Maths/Statistics/Electronics
Year of graduation: 2010  or 2011  batch only
Consistent First Class (over 60%) in X, XII, and UG
Candidates holding correspondence or part time degrees are not eligible to apply
Good interpersonal and excellent communication skills
Willingness to work in shifts (including night shifts)
Willing to work at any Cognizant location across India
Eligibility Criteria for BPO:
Any Arts & Science graduate except BSC – IT/CS, Electronics, Maths & Statistics
Hotel Management & MBA graduates are also eligible
Year of Graduation: 2010  or 2011  batch only
Consistency of 50% in X, XII, and UG
Good verbal and excellent communication skills
Willingness to work in shifts (including night shifts)
Company Profile:
To serve growing demand, our geographic reach extends across the globe, with 50+ delivery centers in 14 countries. We are continuously adding or expanding global delivery capacity in our centers in India and China. And we have added more regional delivery in Europe (Belgium, Budapest, Hungary) and the Americas (Buenos Aires, Argentina). And through our partnership with T-Systems, we have increased our presence throughout the world, particularly in Continental Europe.
We now have team members on the ground in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Argentina, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and China all linked via our Cognizant 2.0 knowledge-sharing and project-management platform.

Click Here To Apply
Jillur Rahman

I'm Jillur Rahman. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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