
Cochin Shipyard Ltd - Cochin - Trainee

By dsf → Sunday, 20 February 2011

Name Of Company:Cochin Shipyard Ltd

Experience: 0 Yearcochin shipyard
Job Title:Trainee Draftsman
Education:Diploma – Engineering, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic, Instrumentation
Job Description:
Discipline & No. of Seats:
Ship Draftsman Trainee (Mechanical) 12 Seats –(SC-1, OBC-4, ST-1, UR-6)
Ship Draftsman (Electrical) Trainee 11Seats-(SC-1, OBC-3, UR-7)
Ship Draftsman (Instrumentation) Trainee (2 Seats – UR)
Ship Draftsman (Electronics) Trainee (2 Seats – UR)
Stipend:The Ship Draftsman Trainees will be paid a consolidated stipend of 5200/-pm during the first year of training and 5500/-pm during the second year. No other payment will be applicable.
Desired Profile:
Qualification:Pass in SSLC and Three year Diploma in Engineering, Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic/Instrumentation disciplines issued by a State Board of Technical Education with 60% marks or equivalent qualification with flair for Draftsmanship and proficiency in CAD.
Age:Shall not exceed 27 years as on 31 Jan 2011 relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC, 10 years for Persons With Disabilities (PWD).
Company Profile:
Cochin Shipyard was incorporated in the year 1972 as a fully owned Government of India company. In the last three decades the company has emerged as a forerunner in the Indian Shipbuilding & Ship repair industry. This yard can build and repair the largest vessels in India. It can build ships upto 1,10,000 DWT and repair ships up to 1,25,000 DWT. The yard has delivered two of India’s largest double hull Aframax tankers each of 95,000 DWT . CSL has secured shipbuilding orders from internationally renowned companies from Europe & Middle East and is nominated to build the country’s first indigenous Air Defense Ship.
Shipyard commenced ship repair operations in the year 1982 and has undertaken repairs of all types of ships including upgradation of ships of oil exploration industry as well as periodical lay up repairs and life extension of ships of Navy, UTL, Coast Guard, Fisheries and Port Trust besides merchant ships of SCI & ONGC. The yard has, over the years, developed adequate capabilities to handle complex and sophisticated repair jobs.
The Shipyard also trains graduate engineers to marine engineers who later join ships both Indian and foreign as 5th Engineers. 100 are trained every year.
How To Apply:
Those fulfilling the prescribed qualification and experience requirements may please forward their applications in the prescribed form affixing recent passport size photograph, supported by attested copies of certificates to prove age, qualifications (with mark lists), experience, caste etc to the DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER (HR), COCHIN SHIPYARD LIMITED, KOCHI-15.
The name of post applied for to be clearly indicated on the envelope containing the filled in application.
Application format may be downloaded from www.cochinshipyard.com
Last Date:For receipt of application is 28 Feb 2011.

Jillur Rahman

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