Chemplast Sanmar Ltd - Salem - Production Officer

Chemplast Sanmar Ltd - Salem - Production Officer

By dsf → Saturday, 5 February 2011
Name Of The Company:Chemplast Sanmar Ltd

Experience:0 – 2 Year

Job Title: Production Officer

Location: Cuddalore, Salem,Karaikkal , Vedaraniam

Education:UG – B.Sc – Chemistry,PG – M.Sc – Chemistry

Job Description:

Day to day operations of the plant

To strictly adhere to the SOP and ensure safety to the plant.

To continously monitor the operating parameters and take corrective action then and there.

Coordinate with maintenance team for variou jobs that are taken up.

Plan the various process activity and allocate the job to casual labour accordingly.

To keep the environmental clean by taking necessary steps during operations.

To ensure cleanliness and safety as a culture amongst all the operatives and casual labours.

To promote 5S practices and involve various activities.

To help in documentation and control of the ISO documentation for the production activities.

Company Profile:

The Sanmar Group, one of the most respected business groups in India, has a strong emphasis on ethical business practices and social commitment. The group’s vision statement truly reflects its management and people philosophies.

Sanmar’s businesses are professionally managed, thanks to the group’s ability to attract, motivate and retain high calibre staff. Ownership and management have been separated through a series of top level initiatives, including the formation of a broadbased, empowered Group Corporate Board, which oversees all businesses, including strategies and policies. The businesses are managed by professional managing directors, with highly qualified managers working under them.

Contact Details:

Executive Name: Sandhya


Chemplast Sanmar Ltd

9,Cathedral Road, Chennai, 600086

CHENNAI,Tamilnadu,India 600001

Telephone: 91-44-28128773
Jillur Rahman

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