
AIIMS Assistant Professor posts Sep-2012

By dsf → Sunday, 30 September 2012
All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS)Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029.

Recruitment drive for Faculty posts (Assistant Professor)

Applications are invited from Indian citizens by the Director, AIIMS, for the following temporary faculty posts on regular basis to utilize their services in the field of teaching, research and patient care etc. :
  • Assistant Professor :    103 posts in various disciplines, Pay Scale : PB-3 - Rs. 15600-39100/- (plus NPA for medical candidates only),  Academic Grade Pay of Rs. 8000/-, Age : 50 years
Fee : The application fee will be Rs.500/- and that for SC/ST category will be Rs.100/- by demand draft only, in favour of Director, AIIMS payable at New Delhi.

How to Apply :  Apply Online at AIIMS websitehttp://aiimsexams.org from 05/10/2012 to 05/11/2012 only.

Kindly view http://aiimsexams.org/pdf/Advt_for_newspaper.pdf  for more information. 
Jillur Rahman

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