
Department of Posts, India Office of the Chief Postmaster General

By dsf → Sunday, 12 August 2012
Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/ Postal Assistants Savings Bank Control Orgnisation    in Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle 

Applications  in the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment for the posts of Postal Assistants/ Sorting Assistants for different offices in Himachal PradeshPostal Circle. 

  • Postal Assistants: 97 posts in various divisions
    Pay Scale : Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay Rs.2400
    Age : 18-27 years with relaxation to reserved category candidates.

    Qualification : Pass in 10+2 or 12th with English as a compulsory subject with 60% marks (55% for OBC and 45% for SC/ST) and should have studied the Hindi Language as a subject at the least upto Matriculation or equivalent.

    Application Form : Application form is available for sale across the counters of all Head Post Offices of Punjab on payment of Rs.50/- (in cash).

    Application Fee : Rs.200/- to be deposited in the post offices where candidate want to apply.  Women/ SC/ST/ PH candidates are exempted from the fee.

    How to Apply : Application has to be send  with application fee to "Direct Recruitment Cell, New Delhi HO, New Delhi - 110001" by Registered Post/ Speed Post only, so as to reach on or before 01/10/2012 (last date is 11/10/2012 for the candidates from far-flung areas).

    Please visit http://indiapost.gov.in/Recruitment.aspx or click on the image to view/download the details. 
    Jillur Rahman

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