Panchayati Raj 3rd grade Teacher Level 2 Result 2012 Panchayati Raj III grade teacher level 2nd exam result declared on 24 August 2012. Now Result...
Marvell Hiring for Freshers/Experience as SQA Engineer
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Bank of Maharashtra(A Govt. of India Undertaking)HRD Department, Lokmangal, 1051, Shivajinagar, Pune - 411005Chartered Accountant Recruitment -...
Bank of Maharashtra CA vacancy Aug-2012
Corporation Bank (A govt. of India enterprise) Corporate Office: P.B. No. 88, Mangaladevi Temple Road, Pandeshwar, Mangalore - 575001Corporation...
Coporation Bank Specialist Officer vacancy Aug-2012
CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE (CISF)(Ministry of Home Affairs)Recruitment of Para Medical Staff in CISF Applications are invited...
CISF Para-Medical Staff jobs Aug-2012
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi - 110069 Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) (Assistant Commandants)...
UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Examination 2012
INDIAN ARMYRecruitment for 40th SSC (Technical) Men and 11th SSC (Technical) Women (April 2013)Applications are invited from Engineering...
Army SSC Officer Technical Apr-2013 Entry
Government of India Directorate General “Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)”(Ministry of Home Affairs)Applications are invited from male Indian citizens...
Veterinary posts in SSB Aug-2012
Government of India Directorate General “Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)”(Ministry of Home Affairs)Applications are invited from male Indian citizens fulfilling...
Technical cadre posts in SSB Aug-2012
Department of Posts, India Office of the Chief Postmaster GeneralHaryana Postal Circle Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/...
Haryana Postal Circle posts Aug-2012
Department of Posts, India Office of the Chief Postmaster GeneralPunjab Postal Circle Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/...
Postal Assistant Punjab Circle posts Aug-2012
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)Ajmer (Rajasthan)RPSC invites Online application for the following posts in Medical Education Department...
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Shahjahan Road, Dhopur House, New Delhi – 110069 Advertisement No. 08/2012 UPSC...
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Recruitment of Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants/ Postal Assistants Savings Bank Control Orgnisation in Himachal Pradesh Postal Circle Applications...