QualityKiosk - Mumbai - Trainee Test Engineer

QualityKiosk - Mumbai - Trainee Test Engineer

By dsf → Sunday, 30 October 2011
Company : QualityKiosk
Job Position : Trainee Test Engineer
Eligibility : BE/MCA/ME/M.Tech
Experience : 0 - 2 Years
Location : Mumbai,Dubai/ UAE

Job Description :

Job Responsibilities:

Using strong analytical, interpersonal and programming skills, you will be responsible for delivering software quality solutions to our Fortune 500 customers.

Responsibilities include:
• Develop custom solutions using cutting edge automated performance and functional testing tools
• Create automated scripts to test software applications and technical architecture
• Schedule project tasks and maintain timely delivery of service
• Design use cases and test cases outlining application work flow
• Execute, evaluate and track project results

Desired Profile :

Educational Qualifications:
BE (IT/Comps/Electronics/Elect & Telecom)/ME/M.Tech/MCA
PCM In 12th to be 80% or above

Experience: 0 – 2 relevant years

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities:

• Proficiency in a mainstream programming language such as Java, C++, C#, C.
• Strong logical, analytical and programming sills
• Good communication and interpersonal skills
• Strong work ethics and good team-player
• A love for technology and a thirst to learn & achieve
• Willingness to relocate anywhere in India and outside

• Good knowledge of any Performance/Automation Testing Tool
• Knowledge of Visual Basic and Macros

Contact Details :

Name: HR

202-203, Building 2, Sector 3, Millenium Business
Park, Mahape, Navi Mumbai
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 400001

Email : shwetap@qualitykiosk.com
Website : www.qualitykiosk.com
Jillur Rahman

I'm Jillur Rahman. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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