GTT Connect - Ahmedabad - Software Developer

GTT Connect - Ahmedabad - Software Developer

By dsf → Thursday, 23 June 2011

Name Of Company: GTT Connect
Experience:0  Years
Job Title: Software Developer
Education:UG – B.Tech,B.E. – Computers, PG – MCA – Computers
No Of Openings: 50
Job Description:
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science & IT from 2011 batch having 60% throughout SSC,HSC and Graduation.
Knowledge of Basic Programming languages C C++ Java, Oracle, .Net
Candidate having decent communication skills
Software Developer / Programmer
Platform: Java / .Net
Company Profile:
Global Talent Track (GTT) is a path breaking global educational initiative and corporate training solutions company, set up by some of the best minds from the industry, academia and technology domains. Funded by INTEL CAPITAL and HELION VENTURES The company was set up in 2008, with a vision to make more than 4,50,000 youth of the country employable by the end of 5 years. GTT has partnered with CISCO and the leading Universities, Institutions and Government bodies in India to provide ‘quality with scale’, through programs delivered using innovative technologies and compelling content.
Contact Details:
Executive Name: Mr. Chandan / Ms. Prajakta
GTT Connect
6th Floor,”Regenesis”
Delta-II Building,GIGA SPACE
Viman Nagar
PUNE,Maharashtra,India 411014
Telephone: 09924804100
Email ID: chandanr@gttconnect.com,prajaktab@gttconnect.com
Jillur Rahman

I'm Jillur Rahman. A full time web designer. I enjoy to make modern template. I love create blogger template and write about web design, blogger. Now I'm working with Themeforest. You can buy our templates from Themeforest.

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