Aviva Life Insurance - Delhi - Sales Executive

Aviva Life Insurance - Delhi - Sales Executive

By dsf → Friday, 12 November 2010
Name of the Company : Aviva Life Insurance Company India Limited. 

Experience:0-4 years

Job Title:
Sales Executive

:  Delhi

: Rupees 1,50,000 - 2,00,000,Plus 2000/- monthly reimbursement + Incentives

Job Description:

TMP Channel is Direct sales Channel , wherein the employee will get the leads from the Call centre set up & they have to source some business through cold calling as well.

To achieve sales target through direct marketing, worksite, corporate.

Generate business and business potential.

Coorporate with branch operations in order to ensure timely processing of policy/application forms.

Generate leads through own contacts.

Desired Profile:

A high calibre graduate from a reputed university/ institute

Skills/ Knowledge:

Basic understanding of the investment, savings and savings linked products

Understanding of investment guidelines, taxation aspects and legal framework with regard to branch operations

Problem solving and decision making

Strong analytical ability

About the company:

Aviva India is a joint venture between one of the country’s oldest and largest groups, Dabur, and Aviva plc, the UK’s largest insurance group, whose association with India dates back to 1834.Our vision is to be amongst India’s leading life insurers with a quality business model, focused on sustainable growth. We seek to build a robust product portfolio meeting all customer lifecycle needs related to – Savings, Retirement, Investments and Protection.

Contact Person
: Juhi Sinha

Email ID
: juhi.sinha@avivaindia.com

Reference ID
Jillur Rahman

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